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Magazine Advertising

Advertising Rates / All Rates Monthly:

                                                 annual   2-5 issues    1 issue

1/8 vertical or horizontal            $280        $320         $400

1/4 vertical or horizontal            $400        $500         $600

1/2 vertical or horizontal            $600        $700         $800

3/4 vertical                                 $750        $875         $1000

Full                                             $980        $1050       $1250

All rates above are all inclusive for full color and require no special additional production changes. If production changes become necessary, advanced accepted and understood changes will be included on the invoice. All above rates include special listing features described below as a complimentary marketing support program. 

Special Listing $100

An advertiser may secure a position on the Dining Listing, Attraction Listing, Retail listing. etc. pages. The copy or text would include a description of the business, the location, the feature offerings or procialities and any other details up to 80 words. A complimentary phone number on the phone booth listing and the listing on the index below the local map would be included. 

Conditions and Terms

  • All rates are monthly and all are full color.

  • Invoices are issued at the beginning of every month. Net amount of the current monthly balance is due by the end of that month. Monthly payments not received by the 15th of the second month will prohibit publication in the next issue. 

  • A deposit may be requested with a new advertising agreement equal to one month issue rate. The deposit will be applied to the first month of the agreement period. 

  • Balances unpaid more than 45 days are subject to a 1-1/2% per month collection finance charge. The advertiser will agree to pay all legal fees, court and/or collection costs on a balance delinquent over 90 days. 

  • Non-profit organizations and institutions will qualify for rates at the next lower rate of whatever program is selected. 

  • Advertising agency commissions are the responsibility and separate obligation of the advertiser and the agency. 

  • Bulk and performance discount rates are available upon request and qualification.


New advertising materials or copy changes must be submitted by the 20th of the month prior to new publication. (example: February 20 for the March/April issue)

Production Information 

Fromats: Submit your advertisement in a .tif, .jpg, .eps (Photoshop or Illustrator), or press ready pdf. format. If submitting an Illustrator .eps file, fonts must be outlined.

Colors: Files must consist of only cmyk process colors. 

Images: All images used to create your advertisement must be 300 dpi, and .tif, .jpg, or .eps format.

Bleeds: Bleeds are only allowed on full-page advertisements and do not carry additional costs. Fractional advertisements cannot bleed. Add 1/8" to trim size for each edge that bleeds. 

e-mail submission materials to:

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